“Are you going to clean it up den?” asks Nonna as she pats the compost bin, idly.
“Clean up the compost?”
“No. Not the compost.”
“Dah……family room?”
“What’s up in there?”
I dash over to check. Rats!
“So……like I say……..shall I get dah vacuum for you?”
“No thanks.” I grab handfuls of fluff from all over the room and start to stuff it back in the sofa.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m re-stuffing the sofa. All this…….it’s stuffing.”
“From dah sofa?”
“Ere…….I’ll give you an and.”
“It split the day it was delivered.”
“Why you not send it back den?”
“We were taken over by events.”
“What events?”
“Christmas, Wedding, international pogoing, cerebral malaria…….the usual.”
“Yes, lots of the usual I’m sure.”
“By the time we got ourselves sorted out, the warranty had expired.” We gather up all the Pokemon nests that have entertained them for a full twenty minutes.
“Pok e mons!” curses Nonna.
“But it’s great that they’re playing pretend so imaginatively.”
“A little less of the pretend, a little more of dah tidying!”
The two of us scrabble about on all fours, wool gathering, when her son and my husband walks in.
“Hello dear.”
“Hi, I’m knackered.”
“Did you remember to ask Phil round for dinner tomorrow?”
“Oh good, it’ll be nice to catch up.”
“I asked Tim and Mary too, and they’re bringing the kids. I haven’t heard back from Ian and Pat. I don’t think they’ll be able to get a baby sitter at such short notice so I said not to worry. Should I have asked the Higginbottoms do you think?”
I sit back on my heels to think and count bodies, bodies with mouths, mouths that will have to be fed from thin air in less than 24 hours. Make that 18 hours where many of those hour are designated sleeping hours and shut shop hours. I wonder if I can get a baby sitter too? Would I be missed?
Nonna and I exchange glances. She knows a food factory when she sees one.
“So…….what on earth are you doing?” he asks suppressing a yawn.
“What are you doing?” he bellows.
Nonna sits back on her heels to look at her first and only born flesh and blood, “we are re-stuffing dis stupid sofa dat you bought.”
We all need an "ally" my "friends."
Good grief, I may have actually [accidentally] managed to generate a blogroll!
If you are not here, let me, though how I'll ever unravel it or add to it I shall never know?
Go on.....be a devil.......put a big fat comment on a first time ever new blog!
I wish I could!
Please don't psychoanalyze that, I think my brain might explode.
Cheers dears
p.s. make sure you leave your URL!
1 hour ago
Food factory! Lol...
I give your blogroll credit, mine only has 6! I think my goal is to make to your roll more than trying to get into the Autism Hub!
Actually the Hub logo will be there when I can figure out how to load it onto this template?
The blogroll happened via 'upload from your scrambled goggle reader' = ooo er!
I don't understand "blog roll." It looks like a multi-tentacled, rapid breeding monster, though. I think I'll leave well enough alone.
Here's my comment--as always, love your stories.
I think re-stuffing the sofa is well worth the imaginative play--keep on stuffin'!
welcome! i shall blogroll you or whatever you call that little orange thingy that gets your blog in my google reader!
smiles, bee
How do you keep up? You amaze me Maddy!
As usual, love it.
Another blog by Maddy! This is better than Christmas!
Oh, Maddy-
You are my (s)hero! I don't know how you do it all.
Love it!
LOL @ food factory and Nonna's comment :)
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I do think I will be writing again soon but needed to take some time off when we lost my beloved mother-in-law--or as I always referred to her in my blog, "my wonderful mother-in-law (really)"
We connect sometimes in the most random ways. . .I'm so proud of my staff and firm as they worked hard this past Spring to get Steven's Law passed in our state legislature--finally, mandatory insurance coverage for autism!
And how wonderful to discover your blog. Where should I regularly peek--here or Whitterer on Autism?
The whole world needs Nonnas like that!
hello! you need more places to write? i love reading your stuff though so keep it coming!
What an amazing blog roll! I'm impressed (even more so that my blog found its way onto the blog roll).
We no longer own a sofa, or a couch, or an arm chair or in fact anything for an adult to sit on in our living room. Whilst this does present a problem in so far as most adults seem to dislike sitting on the floor I feel that is outweighed by the benefit of not having to pick up cushions, clean off drinks from the fabric or tell the children to stop bouncing on / off/ over the couch / sofa / arm chair. :grin:
I guess I don't comment often enough to get in your reader! That's fine, I have far too many in mine as well. But I'm adding this one as well.
Woohoo, ANOTHER Maddy blog! Your blogroll is a work of art... needs more Elvis though... ;-)
I'm glad to have another place to read you. I'm always please when an update to Whitterer on Autism shows up.
Hey, I'm somebody!
It'll take days to get through that roll, but I'll give it a shot.
So glad Nonna isn't just a book-stealing-painter-admitting-tomatoe-theiving kind of gal! Whew! ;-)
Ahem, may I join your massive blogroll? http://maternal-instincts.blogspot.com
Awwww NO SHEEPSKIN? Dats just sad, very sad.. ha ha ha. Well done on the blogroll!
How is this your first blog? Didn't you have a blog before? I'm sure I read it.
That is one long blogroll.
Hysterical story, Maddy! How come you started up a new blog? Here's my URL: Wor of the Poet
I had a Nonna as well, she could not speak a word of English. But i am sure she thought some very similar things.
Love to be on the blogroll - Another Piece of the Puzzle at http://wheresthebox.blogspot.com.
If you are making sandwiches, can I have ham and cheese?
Restuffing the sofa and not taking it back because of Events...and the warranty expired...oh honey, is this MY life? And the nonna stories are hysterical.
Thanks for putting in me in the list!
How do you have more than one person over for dinner?! I'd be nutso.
We used to have a chair in the living room that the kids regularly removed the stuffing from. I finally decided the best solution was to remove the chair.
the new url!
It looks so pretty!
Add me, too. Here's the URL: http://thecrookedmadestraight.typepad.com
And I notice we all know who bought da stupid sofa lol!
Good post...thanks David for sending me over...
I'm so in love with Nonni.
Apparently I got bogged down and started ignoring blogs that had more than 5 posts in my reader. Sadly you posted in a frenzy one weekend and I put Whitterer on hold....now I am 50 something behind. So until today I knew nothing about this gem of a new blog. Sorry I've been in a dark cave lately. Please add me to your roll. graceunderautism.wordpress.com
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